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Golde eedle mushroom (Flammulia veluipes) is a delicious ad uriious mushroom ha has bee valued by humas for is uique flavor ad culiary uses. I is also kow as he velve foo mushroom due o he fie hairlike srucure a he base of is sems.

    Golde eedle mushroom is aive o Asia ad has bee cosumed i Asia for ceuries. I was laer iroduced o Europe ad orh America, where is populariy has grow rapidly. I is ow widely culivaed worldwide for is culiary ad medicial properies.

    The营养价值of golde eedle mushroom is excepioal. I is rich i proei, fiber,维生素A, 维生素B群, 维生素D, 铁, 钾 ad 镁. I is also a good source of phosphorus ad copper. The mushroom coais all eigh esseial amio acids, makig i a complee proei source. The fiber coe aids i digesio ad he B viamis suppor eergy producio i he body.

    Golde eedle mushroom has a mild flavor ad eder exure ha makes i suiable for a variey of cookig mehods. I ca be used i soups, sir-fries, pasa dishes, ad eve as a pizza oppig. I pairs well wih meas, seafood, ad vegeables ad adds a delicious earhy flavor o ay dish.



