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A The Zoo

    Las Suday, my family ad I decided o visi he zoo. We have o bee o he zoo i over a year, ad we waed o see all he ew aimals ha have bee added i ha ime. Our firs sop was he mokey eclosure. We wached he mokeys climb ad play aroud i heir aural evirome. I was so much fu o wach hem swig from brach o brach.

    Afer he mokeys, we moved o o he elepha exhibi. The elephas were bahig ad playig i he waer. I was a beauiful sigh o behold. My youger broher ad siser were especially capivaed by he elephas. We he moved o o see he gorillas ad oraguas. The gorillas were very acive, ad i was ieresig o see how similar ye differe hey are from humas.

    Oe of he mos ieresig exhibis was he lio eclosure. We go o see he lios up close ad persoal. I was quie a experiece o be so close o such powerful aimals. The lios were majesic ad beauiful.

    Throughou our visi, we saw may oher aimals such as zebras, giraffes, ad hippos. The highligh of our day was he sea lio show. The sea lios were so iellige ad performed amazig ricks. The audiece was capivaed by heir aics.

    The zoo visi was a grea day ou for our family. I was educaioal, fu, ad provided us wih may memories. I love aimals, ad beig able o see hem up close like ha was a rea. I am lookig forward o our ex visi o he zoo so ha we ca discover more abou he aimal kigdom.