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    “weirdest”还可以与其他词组合使用,例如“weirdest dream”或“weirdest experience”等等。在这些情况下,“weirdest”只是用来强调这个词语的程度或特征。


Weirdes Thigs i he World

    The world is full of he mos amazig, weird, ad woderful higs. Here are some of he weirdes higs i he world:

    1. 奇特的生物

    The world is full of srage ad woderful creaures. For example, here are brighly colored araulas, sakes wih rales o heir ail, ad worms ha glow i he dark. Some aimals, such as he ardigrade, ca survive i almos ay evirome, icludig he vacuum of space!


    2. 离奇的科技

    Moder echology is advacig a a uprecedeed rae, wih some ruly weird iveios. For example, here are 3D priers ha ca pri food, ad devices ha ca ur your house io a smar home, where everyhig is corolled by your smarphoe. VR echology has also come a log way, wih some experieces ha ca make you feel like you're i a differe world.


    3. 古怪的人

    People ca be weird oo! For example, here are people who believe ha hey are made of glass ad cao break, or people who hik hey are ivisible ad walk aroud aked. Some people also have a codiio called


    4. 异域风情

    The world is full of differe culures ad radiios, ad some of hem ca be quie weird. For example, i some culures, i is cosidered ormal o ea isecs, or o have muliple wives or husbads. I oher culures, people believe i aimal sacrifice or huma sacrifice, or hey pracice caibalism or ecrophilia.


    5. 令人惊讶的常识

    There are some higs ha people hik are commo sese, bu hey are acually quie weird. For example, did you kow ha mos people hik he sky is blue because he Earh's amosphere scaers blue ligh more ha oher colors? Or ha Quee Vicoria was he firs perso o use he word Or ha durig he Salem wich rials, people believed ha wiches could rasform io aimals?


    6. 怪异的习俗

    There are may srage ad woderful cusoms aroud he world. For example, i some culures, people believe ha havig heir phoograph ake will seal heir soul. I ohers, i is cosidered aboo o poi wih oe figer, or o show he soles of your fee. I some culures, people also believe ha if a woma cooks for a ma, i will lower her saus i sociey.


    7. 奇特的食物

    The world is full of delicious ad someimes weird food. For example, i some culures, people ea isecs or aimals ha mos people would cosider vermi or pess. I ohers, people ea brais or eyeballs or oher orgas. Some people also believe ha eaig cerai foods or havig cerai sex posiios ca icrease heir feriliy or proec hem from diseases like AIDS.

    I coclusio, he world is full of weird ad woderful higs ha someimes defy explaaio or logic. I is his weirdess ha makes he world such a ieresig ad exciig place o explore ad lear abou.