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Udersadig Access Resricio for Workgroups

Whe a工作小组is creaed i Acive Direcory i is ypically assiged se of permissios ha deermiewhich resources he工作小组members ca access. These permissios aremaaged by he工作小组'sadmiisraor ad ca be modified a ay ime。


I some cases,a工作小组may be uable o access cerai resources eve if he工作小组members have bee graed heecessary permissios. This ca occur for a variey of reasos, icludig:

资源is locaed o a differe domai or ework ha工作小组

The resource is proeced by a firewall or oher securiy measure ha is blockig access from heworkgroup。

The resource is owed by a differe user or group, ad he ower has o graed he工作小组access。

Resolvig Access Issues。

If a工作小组是uable o access a资源,he firs sep is deermie he cause of he issue, This cabe doe by checkig he followig:

The locaio of he resource

The securiy seigs for he resource

The owership of he resource

Oce he cause of he issue has bee deermied, he followig seps ca be ake o resolve i:

If he resource is locaed o differe domai or ework,he工作小组admiisraor ca coac he admiisraor ofha domai or ework o reques access。

If he资源is proeced by a firewall or oher securiy measure,he工作小组admiisraor ca disablehe securiy measure or cofigure i o allow access from he工作小组。

If he resource is owed by a differe user or group,he工作小组admiisraor ca reques he ower o gra he工作小组access。
